A Dexter resident hit an elk on U.S. Hwy 60 just east of County Road 517 on Thursday, October 13, 2022. The man was heading west when an elk bull weighing about 550 lbs to 600 pounds ran down the median then crossing in front of his Tahoe. The vehicle was towed by Robert's Towing of Dexter.
This was the first documented vehicle vs elk collision reported in Stoddard County and only one of two reported in the southeast Missouri.
The young bull believed to be about 2 1/2 years old was humanely euthanized at the scene by Dexter Police due to the severity of its injuries.
Michael Collins of the Missouri Department of Conservation stated that this particular elk had been spotted in Madison County, Perry County, Cape Girardeau County, and Scott County prior to the accident. Several people had photos of the elk on their game camera. The bull elk had two unique drop down brow tines on his antlers and it was confirmed to be the same animal.
Samples of blood and DNA were taken to check for CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) and other diseases. They may also be able to determine where the elk was from or what herd it may have been related to using the DNA.
The elk was tagged and donated to the Dexter resident.

Dexter, MO - The annual lighting of the downtown Christmas tree in Dexter will be held on Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
The event will happen at the Dexter Welcome Center located at 10 W. South Main Street.
Come enjoy hot chocolate and cookies while everyone listens to Dexter High School students perform Christmas carols.
Santa will be making his appearance!
Thank you to Bank of Advance for sponsoring this event!

When a member of the community is hit with a devastating diagnosis, we pull together. #WeAreDexter #DexterStrong
Scott Nelson of First Midwest Bank was recently diagnosed with cancer. He and his wife LeeAnn have lived in Dexter all their lives and have been very active at the First Baptist Church. They have raised two daughters who graduated from Dexter and they are now enjoying a grandson.
"Here at the bank we call ourselves the First Midwest Family and we mean it"
If you would like to order a shirt to show your support for Scott, please click HERE to order a shirt!!
Orders will be submitted by noon on October 10th!

The annual Stoddard County Fair Parade was held in downtown Dexter on Tuesday, September 20, 2022. There were four categories of float and band competition.
The Puxico High School Marching Band won first place. Bernie High School Marching Band won second place and the Malden High School Marching Band won third place.
In the School Clubs category, Dexter Future Farmers of America and Bloomfield FFA tied for first place. Richland FFA earned a third place finish.
Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) won first place in the commercial/business category. Crowley Ridge Care Center won second place and Young Real Estate won third place.
The final category was churches and other. Three Rivers Shriners won first place, the Assembly Kids won second place and the Stoddard County Gospel Mission won third place.
Congratulations to all the winners!

A ribbon cutting was held to celebrate the opening of Home Town Crafts located at 23 E. Business 60 in the McMunn Automotive building.
The store offers ceramic pieces, paints, brushes and more.
Adult and children's ceramic parties are available.
Pictured from left in front are: Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Alisha Trammell, Mike McMunn, owner Theresa Varrer, Sarah McMunn, Angela Newell, Helen Channell and Cecil Haley.