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Keller Library Receives Memorial Donations
December 07th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Keller Library Receives Memorial Donations

Dexter, Missouri - The Keller Public Library in Dexter has released their latest list of Memorial Donations to the library.  If you would like to donate a book in memory of a loved one please contact Pam Trammel, Director at (573) 624-3764 or stop in at 402 West Grant Street in Dexter.

In memory of Bob Eaton:  1850 Missouri Agricultural Census: Stoddard County by Linda Green and Missouri Agricultural Census: Butler County by Linda Green donated by Terry Turlington.

In memory of Don Gard: The Lewis and Clark Expedition Day by Day by Gary E. Moulton donated by Stoddard County Historical and Genealogy Society.

In memory of Muriel Brown: The Fallen by David Baldacci donated by Tommy and Pam Horton.

In memory of Anson Knoderer: Growing a Revolution:  Bringing our Soil Back to Life by David Montgomery donated by Jim and Carole Vaughn.

In memory of Joan Lewellyng:  Turbulence by Stuart Woods (audio edition) donated by Darryl and Diana Orr.

In memory of David Sherfield:  The Forgotten Road by Richard Paul Evans donated by D.H.S. Class of 1975. 

In memory of Stewart Barney:  Building Family Ties with Faith, Love & Laughter by Dave Stone and The Traveler's Summit by Andy Andrews donated by Darryl and Diana Orr; The Face of God Illuminated in the Light of Grief by Maud Makoni donated by Jeanie French.

In honor of Noreen Hyslop:  It Happened Like This: A Life in Alaska by Noreen's niece, Adrienne Lindholm, donated by Jeanie French.

In memory Jim Miller:  Horse Training In-Hand by Ellen Schuthof-Lesmeister donated by Jeanie French.

In memory of Cleo Holder: Five-star Trails: 43 Spectacular Hikes in Arkansas and Missouri by Jim Warnock donated by Shannon and Candy Collier.

Last Updated on December 07th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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