Dexter, Missouri - Ethan Flowers escorted the retiring 2014 Winter Homecoming Queen Miss Shyann Jines.
She is the 17-year-old daughter of Corey and Stacy Blocker and Brian and Amanda Jines and is a senior at Dexter High School. She is a member of FCCLA, Future Teachers of America, DHS Yearbook Staff, and is the President of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She is also in the DHS Honor Society and on the DHS Varsity Volleyball Team and the Basketball Cheer Team.
Her future plans are to attend Mineral Area College where she has earned a scholarship to play volleyball and pursue a degree in Education.
Ethan Flowers is the 17-year-old son of Tim and Kim Flowers and is a junior at Dexter High School. He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, DHS Honor Society, and is on the DHS Varsity Tennis Team and Varsity Basketball Team.