Political Blogs

Amendment 7 Is on the Ballott for August Election
June 14th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Amendment 7 Is on the Ballott for August Election
Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Missouri -
After years of work by local planning agencies and transportation partners, Missourians are now asked to weigh in on a list of transportation projects and improvements that could improve safety, create jobs, and boost Missouri's economy.

Starting on June 13, the complete draft list of projects and priorities as outlined in the Constitutional Amendment 7 legislation will be released by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. The list, a schedule of open house meetings, and an online comment form will be available at www.modot.org/movingforward.

At their meeting on June 11, the commission heard MoDOT's progress report on the creation of the list and decided to expand the public comment period.

"There will be hundreds of projects on this list, affecting every type of transportation - from roads and bridges to transit, ports, airports, and bike-ped facilities," said Commission Chair Stephen Miller. "We want to make certain Missourians have the opportunity to let us know if they believe these are the projects that would have the biggest impact for their communities and the state."

MoDOT is also holding open house public meetings in every region of the state so Missourians can talk face-to-face with the department and the regional planning partners who helped create the list.

The public comment period now extends through 5 p.m. on July 3, and the Commission will review all public comment and approve the list on July 9.

On August 5, Missouri voters will decide on Amendment 7, a ballot measure to temporarily raise Missouri's sales tax by ¾ of a cent. All proceeds from the tax would go toward much-needed transportation improvements across the state. The amendment's provisions include the creation of a project list prior to the election so Missourians can see what their tax dollars would fund.

For more information, visit www.modot.org/movingforward or contact MoDOT's customer service center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636).
  1. Reduce Deaths: Missouri has around 800 transportation deaths every year: Amendment 7 will provide the funding need to improve our transportation system and drive this number down.
  2. All Modes: By law, existing Missouri gasoline tax revenues must be spent on road and bridges. Amendment 7 funding will also support walking, biking, mass transit, ports, and airports.
  3. Economic Development. A world class Missouri, competing in world economic markets, needs and deserves a world class transportation system.
  4. Comprehensive. Amendment 7 monies would fund transportation projects across the state; from suburban communities, to agricultural markets, to high-tech corridors. Every region will prioritize the projects to meet the direct transportation needs of residents and businesses in their communities.
  5. Accountable. Amendment 7 sunsets in 10 years, unless renewed by Missouri voters. Fuel taxes will not increase and toll roads will not be implemented over the 10-year time period.
  6. Targeted. Amendment 7 will fund projects from a predefined list. Missouri votes will know ahead of time what they are paying for.
  7. Transparent. The Amendment 7 project list is being developed with input from local leadership and residents from across the state.
  8. Efficient. MoDOT runs one of the most efficient DOTs in the country. All funds will go to good use.
  9. 1992. It has been over 20 years since Missouri last raised the gasoline tax. It’s time.
  10. Needed. Missouri cannot afford to not support Amendment 7.

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Last Updated on June 14th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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