
Women's League Volleyball
December 21st 2012 by Unknown
Women's League Volleyball
Written by
Jessica Snider, SMT Writer

Since mid-October, Women’s League Volleyball has been in full swing. Women’s League Volleyball has been around for a long time for women around the area who wish to play on a team and compete against other teams. To play, one must be at least eighteen years of age, but no age is too old to step out on the court and show everyone what you’ve got!

There are now a few different leagues for women’s volleyball. Ranging from the most competitive, to the least competitive. Many teams that have been around for a while choose to be in the most competitive league. Others are just there for fun or maybe a little exercise, so they are content in the not so competitive leagues.

No matter what league, women’s league volleyball can provide some awesome entertainment. Lots of teams like to get really into their games by bringing their own fan section.

Even though some are more competitive than others, each game ends with a “good game” and a handshake from each player on one team to all the players on the opposing team.

If you’ve never witnessed a women’s league volleyball game in action, you should try to make it to the Old Gym by the library or the New DPR gym down by the pool one night throughout the week and see just how exciting it can be!

If you’re not much for watching and would rather be playing, you should consider getting a group of friends together next year and signing up to play in one of the leagues! It’s a guaranteed good time!

Last Updated on December 21st 2012 by Unknown

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