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National Diaper Need Awareness Week Proclamation Signed by County Commissioners
September 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin
National Diaper Need Awareness Week Proclamation Signed by County Commissioners

John Fisher, Southeast Diaper Bank attended the Stoddard County Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 to ask the Commissioners to sign a Proclamation.

"I have a Proclamation for a Diaper Needs Awareness for Stoddard County plus 9 other counties we serve," stated Fisher.  "September 18th thought September 24, 2023 is National Diaper Need Awareness Week."

The Proclamation states:

Whereas, diaper need, the condition of not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers to keep babies and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy, can adversely affect the health and well-being of children and their families; and

Whereas, national surveys and research studies report that nearly one in two families struggles with diaper need, and 48 percent o families delay changing a diaper to extend the available supply; and

Whereas, a daily or weekly supply of diapers is generally an eligibility requirement for babies and toddlers to participate in childcare programs and quality early-education programs that enable children to thrive and parents to work; and

Whereas, many parents struggling with diaper need report missing an average of five days of work each month due to an insufficient supply of diapers: and

Whereas, without enough diapers, babies and toddlers risk infections and health problems that may require medical attention resulting in medical costs, and parents may be prevented from accessing childcare needed to go to work or school, thereby destabilizing the family's economic prospects and well being; and

Whereas, the people of Stoddard County recognize that diaper need is a public health issue, and addressing diaper need can lead to economic opportunity for the state's families and communities and improved health for children, thus ensuring all children and families have access to the basic necessities required to thrive and reach their full potential; and

Whereas, Stoddard County is proud to be home to trusted community-based organizations including (list state diaper banks) that recognize the importance of diapers in ensuring health and providing economic stability for families and thus distribute diapers to families through various channels; and

Whereas, through their important work of addressing diaper need, diaper banks play a critical role in supporting families, improving infant health and well-being, and advancing our local and state economic growth; now

Therefore, I, Commissioner of Stoddard County, do hereby proclaim the week of September 18th through September 24th, 2023 as


In Stoddard County, thank the aforementioned diaper banks, their staff, volunteers, and donors, for their courageous service during the crisis, and encourage the citizens of Stoddard County to donate generously to diaper banks, diaper drives, and support those organizations that collect and distribute diapers to families struggling with diaper need, so that all of Stoddard County children and families can thrive and reach their full potential.

"We as a Commission do support this for our region," commented Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.

Motion to sign the Proclamation for Diaper Need Awareness Week made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All there voted yes and the motion passed.

Signed by Stoddard County Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis

Last Updated on September 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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